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As the capstone of the Media, Self and Society Scholars program I completed a practicum where I could make use of the skills and knowledge I learned in a practical setting. For my practicum I chose to attend CPSP349T Advanced Practicum: Service Learning; Science, Technology, and Society, a practicum course provided by UMD which focused on infrastructure and it's importance in society. The class met twice a week during which we would read articles, complete assignments, and learn about the different ways infrastructure affects us and specific communities such as the disabled. We then completed a semester-long project about a local piece of infrastructure in our community. I found the class after I contacted the coordinator of the Media Scholars program, Kelly Brower, and asked about classes I could take to fill the practicum requirement. Kelly provided me with a list of classes and I chose Science, Technology, and Society. To other Media scholars still looking for their practicum I'd say that doing the practicum through a class at UMD is probably the best option because it fits nicely into your school schedule, it's easy to apply for and you get credits for the class.

How has the practicum helped me grow?

This practicum has truly taught me the importance of infrastructure. Not only is infrastructure important to the economy and for travel, but local infrastructure is incredibly important to communities. Infrastructure isn't just bridges and roads, it's parks and bike trails, places that give people space to breath and enjoy the world. While the impacts of good infrastructure go unnoticed, without them . This course has also taught me more about the struggles of the disabled to get equality through infrastructure and the incredible difference changing a six inch curb to a curb cut can have in giving people equality of movement.

Beyond just the academic knowledge I've gained from this practicum, I've also gained many personal interest over the course of this program that I never imagined myself having before. I've attached a link to a project journal I did in which I had to draw a sketch of my location, create a stakeholder analysis map, locate an official document relating to my location, and write any ideas and thoughts I had while doing the assignment. This assignment was important to me because it embodies all of the ways this practicum has helped me grow personally. Through this project I've gained a much greater appreciation for local governance and the work that goes into maintaining a community on the county and city level. I've watched community meetings, read project proposals and budgets from city and county officials and read articles about the effects of local efforts and the impact they have on the lives of people around me. Previously, I honestly didn't care about local government at all, I cared a lot of about national politics but I barely bothered researching county elections when it came time to vote. But now I've gained a greater respect for county and state government and the influence they have,  and I plan on putting more time into following issues close to home. And besides a greater interest in government, I've also grown a lot more love for environmental issues. While I was working on this project and assignment I spent a considerable amount of time going out to Paint Branch Trail park and that time spent surrounded by trees and constantly followed by the sound of the stream really rekindled my love for all things natural. Even though Paint Branch Trail Park isn't that big, it felt amazing to be surrounded by trees again, something I hadn't realized was the biggest thing I missed from home and my past jobs as a summer camp counselor. Finally, the assignment and the course overall have boosted my interest in infrastructure overall, and I can now see myself working in careers that involve infrastructure, so that when I see information science or cybersecurity jobs that involve infrastructure I feel more draw to those jobs than others.

Practical applications of my practicum

This practicum has fostered my interest in infrastructure and local government, interests that I hope to carry into the rest of my life and potentially my work. I plan on attending more local community meetings in the future and get more involved with county and state-level government. And due to the renewed love I found for the environment and parklands, I hope to find ways to volunteer in tree-planting programs and more environmentalist work. In addition, my understanding of infrastructure could help me when looking for work in the future. Data science and statistics are important for measuring the effectiveness of infrastructure, so I could see myself working in an infrastructure adjacent job.

The Future

With the end of this practicum comes the end of my involvement in the Media, Self, and Society Scholars Program, which has been one of the best parts of my stay at UMD and I'm going to miss it. However, I still have two years left at UMD and I think things will only get better from here, especially with the COVID-19 restrictions loosening up as more Americans get vaccinated. For the rest of my time at UMD I plan on focusing on my studies and furthering my degree. I've recently taken on a history minor, a subject I adore more than any other. I also plan on further narrowing my studies into cybersecurity, a facet of Information Science I'm interested in and with excellent job potential. I plan on working at some information science and cybersecurity internships over the next two summers. After graduation I plan on taking a year to work and hopefully travel, after which I want to go to graduate school to get a masters in cybersecurity.

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