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This assignment was done during the spring semester of my freshman year. This short essay was an analysis of the "Privacy Paradox" and a study describing the paradox. The importance of this essay was that it was one of the earlier cases of me applying the theories we'd learned in class to my own life. The bare meaning of the Privacy Paradox is that people claim to be way more concerned about online privacy than they actually are. Through this assignment I learned more about my own fallacies in regards to my online privacy and was a wake up call for how willing I am to put myself out there online.


This was the final assignment for Media Scholars during Spring Semester, after everyone had been sent home due to lockdown. This represents a key point of development for me during scholars as it was a chance for me to use everything I'd learned so far to create a piece of media myself. Throughout the entire year we'd analyised different forms of media and read probably dozens of articles. In this case, I was using all of the information and techniques I'd learned from those articles to create a guide to getting accurate information about COVID, identifying symptoms, testing information, resources for those at risk and suggestions for hobbies to stave off boredom during quarantine. While I doubt anyone will ever come across the article, it was good practice on writing articles and creating websites.


This assignment was done during the fall semester of sophomore year and shows my growing analysis skills. The entirety of the assignment was based around Semiotics, which is how media has both a surface level meaning and a deeper meaning, and how that influences people. In this case, I again applied theory to my own experiences by analyzing my summer camp's logo and a scene from the movie Avengers Infinity War. Through this assignment I've developed a deeper understanding for the subtle messaging that surrounds us in any sort of media or product we consume. We're constantly being bombarded with messages and it's important to recognize because their influence is most powerful when unseen, but by identifying the messaging we rob it of any power.

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